Look on the Bright Side!

Today marks the winter solstice, or “Look on the Bright Side Day!” The seasons are marked by equinoxes and solstices, which relate to the tilt of the Earth. Today is significant because it is the shortest day and longest night of the year, so looking on the bright side may be difficult, quite literally.  With cloudy December weather, the significance of this observational day is to illustrate optimism versus pessimism. The fact is, that we may not be in control of the doom and gloom of winter weather, but we are in control of our outlook on life. By practicing a few easy exercises below, we can find our way to the sunnier side of the street. The power of positive is a great reminder for today. Here are five easy tips to help see the glass as half full and remain optimistic!


  • Write it down!
    Through difficult times, it is important to remember to be grateful for the things in our lives. At the end of today, write down at least three good things that happened to you today.



  • Indulge in your passions
    What got you out of bed on this gloomy day? Everyone has something that makes them tick and fuels them with excitement. It could be catching a yoga class, reading a new book, or listening to your favorite music. Whatever it is, set some time aside today to focus on what makes you happy.



  • Get moving
    Nothing helps to get the negative out of your system than finding the time to move our bodies. Whether that is a walk around the block during your lunch break today or dancing it out while making dinner tonight, this will help to boost your endorphins even a small amount!



  • Pay attention to your personal needs
    Gloomy days may impact some more than others, so take time today to focus on what you can do to feed your soul. Paying attention to my own personal needs for example might include taking a bath, giving myself a manicure or making a healthy dinner.



  • Let go of anything that drains your energy
    As we get busier during the holiday months, we may be out of touch with focusing on staying optimistic. A good tip is to look at the things in your life right now that are toxic. Whether that be negative relationships or un-healthy eating habits, remove these things from your life as best you can.


By implementing some of these strategies, hopefully you can create your own sunshine on this and remember to always look on the bright side!

Image from: http://www.davison.com/blog/2015/12/21/having-a-bad-day-its-national-look-at-the-bright-side-day/

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Jacqueline Winkler

Jacqueline Winkler

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